WDA Consultants Inc. - CSPG Course: Dynamics of the Flow of Groundwater, Hydrocarbons, and Sequestered CO<sub>2</sub>: Physics and Field Examples

CSPG Course: Dynamics of the Flow of Groundwater, Hydrocarbons, and Sequestered CO2: Physics and Field Examples

K.U. Weyer Ph.D., P.Geol., P.HG.
WDA Consultants Inc., 4827 Vienna Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

© 2014 K. U. Weyer


In the context of the annual CSPG meeting, WDA Consultants Inc. (K. Udo Weyer) gave a 2 day course on the hydrodynamics of subsurface fluids on May 21-22, 2014 at the CSPG offices in Calgary. The course addressed people who were interested in the physical basis of hydrodynamics, and its application in practice. The course offered basic knowledge and training and was a unique opportunity to discuss and learn about the physics behind all those often-confusing mathematical treatments and little-explained assumptions prevalent in mathematical hydraulics. Topics addressed included the basic physical concepts and their application to practical problems such as plume migration within regional groundwater flow systems, free convection, convection cells, variable density flow, hydrodynamic traps for hydrocarbons and CO2 sequestration. The course was augmented by many practical case histories.

Download Course Table of Contents, Introduction, and Overview.